How do I submit my article?
Please click “Make a Submission” on the related journal's homepage, you then will be directly access the submission system used by the journal. You need to be registered on the OJS portal on the related journal page to be able to submit your manuscript.
How can I find out the current status of my submitted manuscript?
Corresponding author only may send a query through the “Contact” tab at the top of the website page of the related journal. Please provide your manuscript ID and e-mail address to contact.
Who is the publisher of the journal?
The IJEMD jurnals are published by the Publishing House International Enterprise (PHI).
How long does it take to hear back after manuscript submission?
On average, it takes 20-30 days from the time you submit your manuscript until you receive an initial decision.
How can I delete an incomplete submission?
You may remove incomplete submissions by logging into your Account in the journal website and delete the submitted article, or just send e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief of the related journal for removal of the article.
Can I publish my manuscript in another language other than English?
Although manuscripts need to be submitted in English, IJEMD welcome manuscripts in Urdu and Arabic languages.
Note: Submissions in languages other than English require to have an English version of the manuscript title and the abstract together with the other language version.
Is there a template available for my manuscript file?
For first submission, a single complete pdf file that includes all figures and tables is required. Upon acceptance, authors are advised to use the IJEMD_LATEX Macro Package to prepare their manuscripts unsing Latex, or the IJEMD_MW template for Microsoft Word users.
What should I do if I have log in problems?
If you have problems logging in to your account, confirm that JavaScript is activated in your browser. Also you may send a query through the “Contact” tab at the top of the website page or may send an email to info@ojs.ijemd.com.
Open Access Publishing
Are the IJEMD Journals indexed?
At present some journals are indexed in CrossRef, Google Scholar, OJS, DOI, WorldCat, Dimensions, Semantic Scholar, CiteFactor. etc. Some of our journals are also indexed in Base, ResearchGate. The indexing process is advancing every day for new reputed platforms. To find out more, please visit the related journal website for more details regarding indexing.
Are all articles of the IJEMD Open Access?
Yes, all articles published in the IJEMD are Open Access and freely and has no APCs, universally and Libraries accessible online for everyone upon publication.
Is there any Copyright Policy of the journal?
When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree automatically to transfer the copyright to the IJEMD, under the Creative Common Attribution (CC-BY 4.0).
How can I improve my citations of articles published in the IJEMD Journals?
There are many ways to increase the number of citations of your articles. To boost your citation count to maximize impact you may consider citing your past publications when it is relevant to your new work in a reasonable amount, and include recent references in your paper in a rational way. Moreover, share your work by providing links to your published papers on your university profile page, on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, etc.),and in conferences.
Can I do self citation of my articles?
You may consider citing your past publications when it is relevant to your new work in a reasonable amount.
For Reviewers
How can I become a reviewer of this Journal?
You are most welcome to submit your CV to the Editor-in-chief of the related journal for evaluating your application. To register your interest in reviewing for IJEMD, please fill in this form. You will then be added to our Reviewers database and we will contact you with reviewing assignments as soon as we have a article that matches your area of interest. For more details please visit the Call for Reviewers page.
Do you pay for reviewing the articles?
IJEMD recognizes hard work, effort, commitment, dedication, professionalism and talent and in return, we provide rewards, promote and support for peer reviewers who take out time from their work, research time, teaching, etc. to go through paper reviewing. Starting from September 2023, reviewers will be rewarded financially.
For Editors
How can I become an editor of this Journal?
You are most welcome to submit your CV to the Editor-in-chief of the related journal for evaluating your application. The decision will be made within 48 hours. More details on the editorial board members responsibilities can be found here.
More questions?
Please feel free to contact us at info@ojs.ijemd.com. We look forward to hearing from you!