About the Journal
International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Mathematics (IJEMD-M) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic open access journal published triannually by Publishing House International. The IJEMD-M offers a platform to mathematicians to publish their original and current research of high quality in all spheres of pure and applied mathematics. It publishes high quality original research articles, expository articles in mathematics, and particularly invites well-written survey articles. The Journal is being published electronically, easily accessible, and free of charge.
PRINT ISSN: 2790-1998
Online ISSN: 2790-3257
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Publication Frequency:
Triannually; one Volume is published each year, and each volume consists of three issues ; January, May, and September.
Publication APC
The IJEMD-M is free of any publication charge.
Peer Review process: Journal uses blind review system to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. Submission of a manuscript implies that:
- The manuscript described has not been published before, or not under consideration for publication elsewhere
- All co-authors, responsible authorities, or the institute where the work has been carried out, approved the manuscript
- The manuscript after prior acceptance by editors-in-chief, assistants and editorial board, is sent for a blind peer review process
- In cases of controversy, the decision on publishing or not shall be the Editors´ and Editorial Board, and
- When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree automatically to transfer the copyright to the publisher.