International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence: Announcements <p>International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinaries: Computer Science &amp; Artificial Intelligence (IJEMD-CSAI) publishes research and review articles in the areas of theoretical and experimental studies in all fields of CS and AI. IJEMD-CSAI is an open access, free publication and peer-reviewed journal. Subscribed users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles. Furthermore, there is no Article Processing Charges (APC) for publication of research articles. Authors must submit articles that have not been published elsewhere with a similarity index of less than 20%. </p> <p>The goal of IJEMD-CSAI is to publish original quality research papers that bring together the latest research and development in all areas of CS and AI. IJEMD-CSAI is published based on Continuous Article Publication (CAP) model. All research articles are indexed through unique links using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system by CrossRef. Estimated publication timeframe is within 2-4 months.</p> en-US Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:35:04 +0000 OJS 60 IJEMD-CSAI: Implementation of CAP Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:35:04 +0000 IJEMD - The Outstanding Paper Award <div class="date"> </div> <div class="description"> <p><strong>The Outstanding Paper Award </strong></p> <p>To promote and recognize the innovative work of researchers across the community, IJEMD is pleased to announce the award for the Outstanding Research Paper (ORP).</p> <p>The ORP must be relevant to the interests and scope of the IJEMD Journal published tri-annually. The ORP is to appreciate the outstanding contributions of authors and encourages researchers to share their very best original research to the IJEMD for consideration.</p> <p>All research articles published in IJEMD will be automatically considered for this award. Editor-in-Chief and his Editorial Board members will judge and select the best papers from those published in the past issues, and the winning author will be announced at the end of every year. The award consists of a <strong>certificate of recognition</strong> endorsed by both the Editor-in-Chief and IJEMD, along with a <strong>monetary prize of $500</strong>. In case of joint authorship paper, the corresponding author will have the sole responsibility of distribution of the award.</p> <p>In selecting the best paper ORP winner, the award committee will take into consideration the <strong>originality, quality of the work, the contribution to theory, significance to the research environment, and properly citing recent published research.</strong></p> </div> Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:33:38 +0000